Computer Technology-Formatting Worksheet

My name is Your Name and I am in Your Homeroom TeacherŐs class.


This is an example of 12pt Arial.

This is an example of 12pt Arial with italic.

This is an example of 12pt Arial with bold.

This is an example of 12pt Arial with underlining.

This is an example of 18pt Arial.

I can change the color of letters, words, and lines of text.

I can change the color of letters, words, and lines of text.

This is an example of 12pt Comic Sans MS.

This is an example of 14pt Comic Sans MS.

This line of text is aligned to the left.

This line of text is centered.

This line of text is aligned to the right.


I can now do the following:

I used the table menu to create this table.

















I can also insert a picture from clip art and size it to fit on this page.